Mandatory Participation: Participation in the JD Design Awards is compulsory to be eligible for course completion certificates.
Attendance Requirement: A minimum of 75% attendance is required to participate in the JD Design Awards.
Eligibility: All Diploma students, as well as final-year Bachelor’s and Master’s students, must participate in the JD Design Awards.
Project Deliverables:
Fashion Department
Master’s Students – Work individually to create 10 ensembles in any category.
Bachelor’s Students – Work individually to create 10 ensembles in any category.
Diploma Students (1-year) – Work individually or in a group of 2, creating 10 ensembles in any category.
MAFC Students – Work individually on a pitch deck, either for a platform or an app, including the styling of a product.
MBA Students – Work individually on a business project.
Interior Design Department
Master’s Students – Work individually to design a space (may also design furniture separately as part of the project).
Bachelor’s Students – Work individually to design a space (may also design furniture separately as part of the project).
Diploma Students – Work individually or in a group of 2 to design a space (may also design furniture separately as part of the project).
Jewellery Design
Bachelor’s Students – Work individually to design 5 jewelry pieces.
Diploma Students – Work individually to design 2 pieces (1 statement piece + 1 avant-garde piece).
Visual Communication
MA UI/UX Students – Work individually on a pitch deck and present either a platform or an app.
Adherence to Guidelines: All students must abide by the rules and regulations stated in the guideline booklet provided on Google Classroom.
Resubmission Policy: If the internal mentors find a student’s work unsatisfactory, they may request a resubmission within the timelines provided to avoid disqualification.
Confidentiality: Students must not discuss their theme or concept under development with other students or groups.
Timeliness: Students must strictly adhere to the given timelines to avoid disqualification.
Visual Diary Requirement: Students must maintain a visual diary/research journal related to their JD Design Awards project and produce it upon request by any mentor.
Process Video (Optional): Students have the option to create a 1-minute video documenting their entire process. This video will contribute to jury credits and may be showcased on the event day.
Vendor Responsibility: The college holds no responsibility for any external vendors students engage with during their design execution.
Jury Recommendations: Any changes prescribed by the external jury must be implemented before the test fits.
Final Decisions: The decisions of the JD internal/external jury and senior management before the Design Awards will be final and binding.
Disqualification & Certification: If a designer is disqualified at any stage, they must complete their project and get it certified by their mentor to be eligible for their course completion certificate.